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Folded Poster Tailored Bundle

FOLDED VERSIONS Choose any two or more of The Strad's folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here  

Antonio Stradivari ‘Messiah’ violin 1716 poster

Stradivari’s 1716 ‘Messiah’ violin is one of the most coveted in the world. The pristine condition of the instrument, made during his ‘golden period’ and barely played since then, offers unique insights into the mind of the great master. This poster will be an excellent resource for anyone trying to replicate such a violin. Includes measurements. 'The ‘Messiah’ was as exceptional to Stradivari as it is to us. And this ‘apartness’ was as obvious to his sons, and even the Bergonzis who lived on in the Casa Stradivari, making and selling new instruments as well as salvaging and finishing partly completed work for a good 20 years after Antonio’s death.’ – John Dilworth in the March 2011 issue of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

‘Vieuxtemps’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ 1741 poster

Currently the most expensive violin in the world, the 1741 'Vieuxtemps' Guarneri 'del Gesù' was sold in 2012 for a sum in excess of $16 million. It has been given on lifetime loan to US violinist Anne Akiko Meyers. Among its illustrious former players was Henri Vieuxtemps; at his funeral it was carried behind the hearse on a velvet cushion, by fellow violinist Eugène Ysaÿe. As well as full measurements, the back of this poster contains detailed CT scans, thickness maps and actual-size cross-sections of the archings. The violin still remains in a remarkable state of preservation, especially considering it has been in use for most of its life. 'The violin has a colossal range. I found I could play the entire repertoire, from Vivaldi to Sibelius to modern works, just on this one violin. It feels as though there’s colour in my fingertips' – Anne Akiko Meyers in the June 2018 edition of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Boissier, Sarasate’ violin 1713 poster


Made during Antonio's Stradivari's so-called 'golden period', the 1713 'Boissier, Sarasate' is in an excellent state of preservation. Housed in the museum of the Madrid Royal Conservatoire, it has rarely been played since it was left to the music school by its last owner, the Spanish virtuoso Pablo Sarasate. This poster includes full outlines and measurements taken from a state-of-the-art 3D scan of the instrument.

'The surface retains a very good amount of varnish. It is remarkable that it has not been ‘protected’ with a layer of French polish, making it ever more outstanding and appreciated in today’s shop standards. The colour of the varnish is a light reddish-brown over Stradivari’s wonderful golden ground.' – Roberto Jardón Rico in the January 2024 issue of The Strad

Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Returned or Flawed Posters

We have a number of rolled posters that have been returned or have minor defects, which can be obtained at a massively discounted cost. These are ideal for students or makers who do not require pristine posters to work from. Although some posters are damaged, this is usually to the sides of the posters and not across the printed images. These posters are limited. Please contact us directly if the poster you require is not on our list:
For new, undamaged rolled and folded posters, click here or see individual poster links below: Antonio Stradivari ‘King Carlos IV’ violin 1709 poster ‘Vieuxtemps’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ 1741 poster G.B. Guadagnini ‘Cozio’ viola 1773 poster Antonio Stradivari ‘Archinto’ viola 1696 poster Antonio Stradivari ‘Huberman’ violin 1713 poster Carlo Bergonzi ‘Baron Knoop’ violin 1735 poster Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ ‘Plowden’ violin 1735 poster Antonio Stradivari ‘Saveuse’ cello 1726 poster Guarneru 'del Gesù' 'Cessole' violin 1736 poster Alard Guarneru 'del Gesù' violin 1742 poster Guarneru 'del Gesù' 'Brusliow' violin 1743 poster Andrea Amati violin c.1566 poster Francesco Rugeri Violin 1686           For our Tailored Folded Poster Bundle, click here

Our rolled posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

Antonio Stradivari ‘King Carlos IV’ violin 1709 poster


The ‘King Carlos IV’ is one of the few instruments remaining from the collection of the Spanish king, who ruled from 1788 to 1808. Made during Stradivari’s ‘golden period’, it is one of the rare examples that is so well preserved that its sound is seldom matched by other violins of the era. The maple back has deep, wide flames descending slightly, which shimmer like water in the light. The scroll is incredibly round and bold, displaying an ultimate strength in making.

Florian Leonhard examines its history and present condition in The Strad magazine July 2023
Read the review in The Strad, June 2023 ***Don’t miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***  

G.B. Guadagnini ‘Cozio’ viola 1773 poster

This viola is one of the first to be made by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini during his ‘Turin period’, which saw the crafting of some of his finest works. His regular income from Count Cozio di Salabue gave him greater freedom to experiment, as evidenced by this small-size viola with high-set f-holes and enlarged centre bouts. With a back length of 400mm, it has wide, full arching and a brilliant yellow-orange varnish. The poster includes high-definition CT scans as well as full measurements. 'The workmanship of the viola is of great quality and care: the archings are perfectly cut and finished, the interior appears to be in an excellent state of conservation, and it bears a number of the maker's marks' - Alberto Giordano in the January 2022 issue Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.
***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

‘De Munck’ Stradivari cello 1730 poster

This well-presented cello played by Emanuel Feuermann and Steven Isserlis is striking for the originality that created a new cello form. It is currently on loan to Danjulo Ishizaka. Includes full measurements. 'The marvellous "de Munck" is striking in the originality of its slender form. The dominant feature is the large centre bouts, which curve in as deeply as those of the larger B form and are in fact slightly longer' – John Dilworth in the June 2000 issue of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Boissier, Sarasate’ Violin 1713 poster – FOLDED VERSION

FOLDED VERSION Made during Antonio's Stradivari's so-called 'golden period', the 1713 'Boissier, Sarasate' is in an excellent state of preservation. Housed in the museum of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, it has rarely been played since it was left to the conservatoire by its last owner, the Spanish virtuoso Pablo Sarasate. This poster includes full outlines and measurements taken from a state-of-the-art 3D scan of the instrument. 'The surface retains a very good amount of varnish. It is remarkable that it has not been ‘protected’ with a layer of French polish, making it ever more outstanding and appreciated in today’s shop standards. The colour of the varnish is a light reddish-brown over Stradivari’s wonderful golden ground.' – Roberto Jardón Rico in the January 2024 issue of The Strad ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Saveuse’ cello 1726 poster

The 1726 'Saveuse' is one of the smallest cellos ever to come out of Antonio Stradivari's workshop. From the beautifully carved scroll to the smouldering, rich maroon colour of the varnish, the instrument displays the finest characteristics of the luthier's late period. It remains in almost perfect condition and provides a fascinating insight into the mind of Stradivari the innovator. This poster will be an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn from the master. Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ ‘Plowden’ violin 1735 poster

One of the finest and most acclaimed ‘del Gesù’ instruments in existence, the ‘Plowden’ is striking in its vivid freshness and particularly notable for the intense orange–red varnish on its stunning one-piece back. Includes scans and measurements. 'The ‘Plowden’ gives an outsize impression that defies its rather petite dimensions. Several factors combine to create this effect: the very broad-flamed maple back, the substantial thickness of the purfling, the wide-grained top, back arching that quickly rises from the relatively shallow channel, the open f-holes and, above all, the plentiful red varnish that lies with an almost sculptural effect over the undulating flames of the back.’ – Sam Zygmuntowicz in the July 2011 issue of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Archinto’ viola 1696 poster

By popular demand, The Strad is republishing one of its most sought-after posters - the 1696 'Archinto' Stradivari viola - with brand new photography that brings out the colours and craftsmanship like never before. One of the treasures of London's Royal Academy of Music, the 'Archinto' provides a model for luthiers to admire and copy even in the 21st century. 'The 1696 Stradivari ‘Archinto’ viola is one of the most beautiful instruments in the world. It was made at a very felicitous time, just as the great master’s red varnish was reaching perfection and his designs — encapsulated in the gorgeous long pattern violins — were at their most elegant... The tone is archetypal Stradivari; clear and pure across all the strings, with a quick response and good articulation. In the hands of a great player it provides a wide range of tone colour. In contrast to the typically Brescian sound, it is more violin-like in quality and reveals a slight lack of potency in the lowest string.' - John Dilworth in the June 1996 issue Includes measurements, thickness and arching maps. Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Titian’ violin 1715 poster

The 'Titian' Stradivari of 1715 has long been counted among the finest violins of the maker's golden period. It has revealed itself to be a formidable concert instrument of unusual power and scope, remarkable for its focus and resilience under the bow. The violin was dubbed 'Titian' by the French dealer Albert Caressa because of its clear orange–red colour, which reminded him of the work of the famous Venetian painter. Includes photographs, scans and measurements. ‘On first look, the violin seems strong and solid, with its smoothly worn patina, sturdy arching and edgework, and immaculate finishing with virtually no visible trace of the hand – all is pure architecture, with the execution almost completely subsumed. The patina shows careful use, with the edges rounded and the varnish smoothed to a luminous film.’ – Sam Zygmuntowicz in the February 2009 issue of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘Huberman’ violin 1713 poster

This stunning instrument from Stradivari’s golden period has sleek, taut arching, lithe and slender corners, and a bubbled texture to the plum-red varnish. It was played by Bronislaw Huberman until 1936 until it was notoriously stolen from his dressing room at Carnegie Hall. Fifty years later it was recovered, and is now the property of US soloist Joshua Bell. Includes scans and measurements. 'The scroll is made of typical fine-grained maple, with only minimal figure, allowing for very fluid carving. The profile is sleek, with a graceful oval head, slender pegbox, and narrow throat, echoed in the tight cutting into the eye' – Sam Zygmuntowicz in the November 2013 issue of The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Nicolò Amati ‘Romanov’ Viola 1677 Poster

The 1677 'Romanov' was made when Nicolò Amati was 81 years old and clearly shows the hand of the master, along with that of his son, Girolamo Amati II. It has been part of the collections of the Venetian nobility and Russian imperial dynasty, and was for many years the concert instrument of Max Aronoff, violinist with the Curtis Quartet. 'This is only the third poster of a Nicolò Amati instrument in The Strad’s history – perhaps surprising given the maker’s significance to the world of violin making. Nicolò’s violins have been overshadowed by the great works of Stradivari, Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ and Guadagnini which are generally better for large concert halls: as a consequence, contemporary makers seldom choose Nicolò Amati models for their violins (unless making a Baroque instrument specifically). When it comes to violas, however, there is a different trend: when I was a judge at the 2018 Cremona Triennale it was a nice surprise for me to see how many violas were based on Amati models. 'When using a Stradivari violin pattern it’s important to respect the original design. It is not advisable to make significant changes to the proportions to a mould that is apparently perfect: you cannot mess up with a Strad model. For viola making, a Nicolò Amati model can be modified much more successfully without losing its original spirit and balance: the relationship between the f-holes and the central body, for instance, can be more easily modified when resizing the instrument. For this reason, it makes sense to publish a poster of a resized large viola; and given that digital technologies are now available to everyone, makers will be able to adjust the model according to their own needs and personal solutions. 'The good side of viola making is that there is still a great deal to be learnt in terms of sound research, and that it gives makers a chance to develop their own style while respecting the classical roots of our tradition.' – Alberto Giordano in The Strad's December 2019 edition Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

‘Kreisler’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin 1733 poster

Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ ‘Brusilow’ violin 1743 poster


A superb violin from the last years of the maker's life, the 'Brusilow' is in an incredible state of preservation. Played for many years by Anshel Brusilow during his years as concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra, the instrument displays many of the idiosyncratic qualities that characterise the late period of 'del Gesù'. Includes scans and measurements.


'It has a kind of powerful three-dimensionailty that hits the eyes and makes the viewer want to touch it lightly in order to scan its unpredictable surface' – Alberto Giordano in the December 2015 issue of The Strad

  Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

‘Schneider’ Gofriller cello 1693 poster

Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

Brothers Amati cello c.1600 poster

Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

‘Kochanski’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin 1741 poster

One of The Strad's most popular posters is now available with brand new artwork showing the 1741 'Kochanski' Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ in all its glory. Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

Antonio Stradivari ‘Harrison’ violin 1693 poster


A perfect example of Stradivari's Long Pattern, the 'Harrison' was for many years the principal performing instrument of Kyung Wha Chung. It is now part of the collection of the National Music Museum in Vermillion, South Dakota, US.

Read more in The Strad

Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Carlo Bergonzi ‘Salabue, Martzy’ violin 1733 poster

This stunning instrument, still in immaculate condition, bears all the hallmarks of the luthier Carlo Bergonzi, who moved into Antonio Stradivari's workshop following the latter's death. The famed instrument collector Count Cozio di Salabue called it 'my largest and most beautiful Bergonzi'. It was later used as the principal performing instrument of Hungarian virtuoso Johanna Martzy (1924–79). 'The f-holes of the ‘Salabue, Martzy’ are bold and distinctive. In concept, they derive from a Stradivari model but the stems are more angled and the wings are broader' - Jason Price in the July 2024 edition of The Strad.
***Product not included in any current discount offers***

Our rolled posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today.

***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***

Antonio Stradivari ‘King Carlos IV’ violin 1709 poster – FOLDED VERSION



The ‘King Carlos IV’ is one of the few instruments remaining from the collection of the Spanish king, who ruled from 1788 to 1808. Made during Stradivari’s ‘golden period’, it is one of the rare examples that is so well preserved that its sound is seldom matched by other violins of the era. The maple back has deep, wide flames descending slightly, which shimmer like water in the light. The scroll is incredibly round and bold, displaying an ultimate strength in making.

Florian Leonhard examines its history and present condition in The Strad magazine July 2023
Read the review in The Strad, June 2023 ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***  

Girolamo Amati II violin 1671 poster

The son of Nicolò Amati, Girolamo Amati II was the last instrument maker of the illustrious Amati dynasty. Although he made fewer violins than his forebears, the ones that have survived show the work of a skilled luthier in his prime. This violin, made in the early part of his career, is a pristine example of his craftsmanship and shows many stylistic similarities to the work of his father. It is now housed in the Royal Academy of Music. ’The maple is delicately figured on the back and ribs, and plain for the neck-block. It has been perfectly quarter-cut. Unevenly scattered bearclaw figure ruffles the surface of the one-piece spruce front' – Barbara Meyer in the July 2022 issue Read more in The Strad Our posters are shipped separately from other products. One tube can hold up to 10 posters. Save on postage costs by purchasing up to 10 posters per tube today. ***Don't miss our NEW Folded Poster Tailored Bundle. Choose any two or more of The Strad’s folded posters and pay just £9.99 for each. Watch a video of the selection here***