The Strad Calendar 2025: Canada Council for the Arts
Launched in 1985, the Canada Council’s Musical Instrument Bank celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2025. This year’s calendar showcases twelve of the finest instruments it regularly loans to Canadian players, including four by Antonio Stradivari and beautiful works by Montagnana, Tecchler, Pressenda, Vuillaume and two of the Gagliano family.
The twelve instruments featured this year are:
- 1689 ‘Baumgartner’ Antonio Stradivari Violin
- c.1696 ‘Bonjour’ Antonio Stradivari Cello
- 1700 ‘Taft’ Antonio Stradivari Violin
- c.1700 ‘Bell’ Giovanni Tononi Violin
- 1706 ‘Brott-Turner’ David Tecchler Cello
- 1715 Domenico Montagnana Violin
- 1717 ‘Windsor-Weinstein’ Antonio Stradivari Violin
- 1730 ‘Newland’ G.F. Celionato Cello
- 1747 ‘Palmason’ Gennaro Gagliano Violin
- 1820 G.F. Pressenda Violin
- 1824 ‘McConnell’ Nicolò Gagliano II Cello
- 1871 Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume Violin