This unique volume brings together a collection of instruments crafted by the legendary lutherie masters of the last four centuries from Italy and France. One hundred and twenty-eight well-certified instruments have been meticulously and expertly photographed by one of the world’s best instrument photographers.
Each volume measures 300 mm by 460 mm, meaning every detail of the beautiful instruments (violins and violas) is reproduced to represent each instrument’s full splendour in its full life-size. Each of the four volumes offers a cross-section view of the violin-making history of these two important schools and allows detailed comparison studies with the help of measurements and CT scans.
The full collection of selected instruments is divided into four volumes containing 128 instruments on 781 pages. Thanks to rare access to some of the finest examples instruments of these outstanding Italian and French masters, the authors have been able to explore each instrument down to the finished detail. Each volume lists each maker by name and provides a summary by alphabetical order making it a wonderful reference book.
The four volumes present the fascinating history of every featured master, thoroughly researched and written, with comprehensive essays by distinguished experts such as Bruce Carlson (Cremona), J.F. Schmitt † (Lyon), Igor Moroder (Turin) and Florian Leonhard (London).
***Limited to 2,000 hard-back linen effect copies and 100 leather-bound copies of each volume, individually numbered and registered, the books—published by Jost Thöne Verlag—are highly likely to increase in value and become collector’s items.***
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Italian and French Violin Makers
Publisher: Jost Thöne, Jost Thöne Verlag
Volume I-IV, combined 781 pages, 128 instruments
Library Edition
Limited to 2.000 copies
De Luxe Edition
Limited to 100 copies; leather-bound